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最高ランク : 21 , 更新: 2022/10/02 0:19:34

Hello – Good morning – I just happened – I recently had a new Great War Quest appear in Warfream, but I have to make a Necromech and I don't have any Necro Mech parts, so I'm frustrated. Tekasaikinu ULOG It seems that they are doing a cultural festival, but in the end it will be a gathering of imaginary images that will not be done without a flock, and I am not interested. If you want to have fun, enjoy it. Because the popularity of the Internet is worthless if it is real. Lately, instead of posting videos, I've been slowly putting up farce once a week, but it's still fun. Rather than making a novel, I feel that I can upload a video to YouTube. It's best to work on YouTube rather than doing it on such a small site. I think it's almost time to retire here. By the way, Mad was followed anonymously somehow, so I erased it. That's why we chat here. Well, I don't have anything to talk about, so let's end here, how are you guys doing? I'm fine. So goodbye.


投稿を違反報告 / ブロック

hello! Hey Hayato, long time no see! How are you? When I saw Hayato's post, I felt like I hadn't commented recently, so I'll do it! YouTube, I can't subscribe to the channel, but I'm watching it! I love Hayato's slow farce!
Please keep doing a good job~!


2022/10/02 0:32:13 違反報告 リンク